
It's beginning to look a lot like...

Christmas! This morning on our way to school  there was so much rain, thunder and lightning that it definitely felt like at least October, so making the block of Dec 21th - shortest day of the year - was quite appropriate. It was not a big block, a little sheep, but with this one the whole left section is finished!

So like a big puzzle I'm just a few steps away from a finished top... you see the white spots in the picture below:

And it really was a good idea to paint our diningtable white, so good for the pictures (and not so good for me, after every meal I can see every little spot on it - although that forces me to be a good housewive :) )

Have a nice day!


The Nativityquilt - so far

It's Sunday-evening and after a busy but nice weekend I'm glad to show you a picture of the Nativityquilt so far. Yes, the camel is finished!

The left side with the shepherd and sheep looks a bit messy, but that's because I used a few pins, the parts are not sewed together yet. Next step is the missing sheep, so I can finish the whole left part.
It's still a quite exciting project, I'm looking forward to make that sheep!


back to school

I had some pink plans for this day, since the pink hexagon quilt is still not finished yet. I started very well:

But... (of course there's a 'but', it's friday and my boys are still busy with their holiday) there was a little job to do before they can start next week at school. So at the end of the day, the project I finished had nothing to do with pink:

De boeken zijn gekaft!

And since it's fridaynight right now, I'm sure there will be some sewingtime in the next few days. Everything is ready (even the camel without legs)!

Fijn weekend!



more www - quilting fun

Today I discovered a new internetmiracle, although maybe it's not that new...

If you wanna see my boards: take a look here

So I wonder: has anyone of you some nice pics of quilts and other sewing projects on Pinterest?

En zijn er ook al nederlandse quiltfoto's te bewonderen?

Have a nice day!



only 4 months...

... before it's christmas! Time to go back to business: the Nativity quilt. But oh dear oh dear I really had to find some courage to start. But after a little while I sorted things out like this:

Before the summer I started with the king and his camel (optimistically I posted Back on track - but it seemed to be a very short track I was back on!) It was a big block with a king (finished) and his camel (paper coloured - okay it's a start). And although my plans were bigger than this, I'm glad I made a new little step in this christmasproject:

So the camel is growing, and I left every piece of fabric at my desk so I can start as soon as I find som time to give this animal a pair of legs!

As you can see, my china cabinet is still there, waiting for a finishing touch.

Have a nice day!


Back home with blue french stars

It's been a while ago, but we've been caravanning in France, from the westcoast - Juno beach - to the Mediterrannée. We had a great time together, enjoying the land, the food, the sunshine, the landscape, and sometimes even a little patching!

I made 6 big blue stars by hand, nice job to do, in the morning when the kids were still asleep.
Here are the first 3 blocks (and there official names as far as I know, please let me know if you know better names!):


Union star (with a little different colourscheme)

 Sunflower (made while we stayed next to a field full of the real ones)

I have no pictures of the making-of of this blocks, but believe me, the circumstances were great - with much better conditions than here back home (it's like autumn outside, the quilting season starts early this year!)

Have a nice day!
